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Do more coaching AND set yourself up to be coached 

Coaching involves someone listening (and asking questions) to help another improve their own thinking, decisions and actions. Both parties try to notice what is being focused on or ignored, and what stories are triggered. It creates the mental 'space' to learn rather than simply repeat. 


SPACE is also a useful acronym for the keys to success in coaching: 

S = Situation - Work on specific example situations, because you are not trying to change completely, just break habitual patterns in specific situations where they are not helpful  

P = Perception - Explore how they / you see things, ie where is attention being focused, and what is being triggered. Help them / yourself to see that reality is subjective not objective! 

A = Attention - Pay full attention. A coach uses not just ears, but eyes and the whole body - eg noticing breathing, body language and the coach's own emotional and physical reactions 

C= Curiosity - Avoid pre-judging the answer you think you 'should' get to. If you can make it a 'voyage of discovery' for both of you, you may find an even better solution / action. Great!

E= Empathy - Recognise (and acknowledge appropriately) any difficult emotions which arise during the coaching. If the topic creates no emotion... it probably isn't that important! 


Leaders who use coaching are delegating thinking and learning - not just delegating tasks.

"Just Do It" Nike  

For occasional insights based on applying these ideas in real life, please follow this link to the eqivalent "chapter" of my blog site:

Business is ALWAYS personal: 2 The coaching relationship

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