Resolve the paradox of change
The paradox arises because our whole approach to intentional change sets us up to fail. We try to force ourselves to do something that we think we should, or we've been told we should, even though it's not something we're looking forward to or expecting to enjoy. Surprise surprise, a few months later, nothing has actually changed. We need to borrow from the world of SPORT.
S = Small & easy: The first step is the most important one. Eg: Just getting off the couch to walk!
P = Positive: You have to feel positive about making the change. That doesn't just mean making the end goal attractive (though that is an important 'framing'). It means you have to feel good about each small step. Negative feelings ALWAYS disable our capacity for intentional change.
O = Other people & things: Use other people to motivate you and provide support - keeping you positive. And link new actions to habits you already have - increasing the likelihood of doing them.
R = Reset & restart: Sometimes you realise you've stopped practising your new action / new habit. SImply pause and reset, then restart again. Of course, to be able to be aware of your behaviour, hence able to pause and reset, you will probably need to have built your mindfulness muscle, eg by starting a regular (daily) breathing practice - perhaps your first intentional change!
T = Track progress: Set up a weekly review and self-reflection time. It doesn't need long - just a few minutes to consider: (a) successes this week (b) lapses this week (c) opportunities next week.